chartread from 1.4.0
Dimitrije Zivkovic
2014-02-26 19:24:27 UTC
Please, I need urgent CHARTREAD command from 1.4.0 version

If anyone have please send to my mail.

Thanks in advance

Dimitrije Zivkovic
Ivan Tsyba
2014-02-26 19:28:41 UTC
Try to modify current download link 1.6.3 -> 1.4.0
26 ÌÀÔ. 2014 21:24, ËÏÒÉÓÔÕ×ÁÞ "Dimitrije Zivkovic" <
Post by Dimitrije Zivkovic
Please, I need urgent CHARTREAD command from 1.4.0 version
If anyone have please send to my mail.
Thanks in advance
Dimitrije Zivkovic
Dimitrije Zivkovic
2014-02-26 19:33:46 UTC
Doesn’t work like that or I do it wrong


I really don’t understand why 1.6.3 doesn’t work.

Dimitrije Zivkovic
Post by Ivan Tsyba
Try to modify current download link 1.6.3 -> 1.4.0
Please, I need urgent CHARTREAD command from 1.4.0 version
If anyone have please send to my mail.
Thanks in advance
Dimitrije Zivkovic
Ivan Tsyba
2014-02-26 21:01:20 UTC
Try this: http://www.argyllcms.com/Argyll_V1.4.0_osx10.4_i86_bin.tgz
Seems there was no 64-bit version of ArgyllCMS 1.4.0 for OS X :
Doesn't work like that or I do it wrong
I really don't understand why 1.6.3 doesn't work.
Dimitrije Zivkovic
Try to modify current download link 1.6.3 -> 1.4.0
26 ÌÀÔ. 2014 21:24, ËÏÒÉÓÔÕ×ÁÞ "Dimitrije Zivkovic" <
Post by Dimitrije Zivkovic
Please, I need urgent CHARTREAD command from 1.4.0 version
If anyone have please send to my mail.
Thanks in advance
Dimitrije Zivkovic
Graeme Gill
2014-02-26 23:30:20 UTC
I really don’t understand why 1.6.3 doesn’t work.
Neither do I, unfortunately.

Graeme Gill.
Dimitrije Zivkovic
2014-02-27 17:37:52 UTC

I just want to announce results with same hardware and CHARTREAD & COLPROF from 1.4.0

Profile check complete, peak err = 3.061175, avg err = 0.599811, RMS = 0.719611

I used same print, not new.

Dimitrije Zivkovic
Post by Graeme Gill
I really don’t understand why 1.6.3 doesn’t work.
Neither do I, unfortunately.
Graeme Gill.