viewgam error
Ivan Tsyba
2014-03-28 21:43:24 UTC
I got these error with 1.6.3 viewgam on Ubuntu 13.10:

viewgam: error while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.3: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

Older (1.4.3) viewgam works without any errors

Any suggestions?
Graeme Gill
2014-03-28 23:26:27 UTC
Post by Ivan Tsyba
viewgam: error while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.3: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
Older (1.4.3) viewgam works without any errors
That's one of the problems with depending on system libraries.
Post by Ivan Tsyba
Any suggestions?
Re-build it from the source. Worst case you can

jam -sBUILTIN_TIFF=true

to statically link libtiff into the executable.

Graeme Gill.
Ivan Tsyba
2014-03-31 07:27:54 UTC
Thank you for answer.

I'm from growing category of Linux user that don't need/want/can compile
anything. So building viewgam from source is too difficult task for me.

I found this solution (

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libtiff.so.4

This links present in system library as required for viewgam
Post by Graeme Gill
Post by Ivan Tsyba
viewgam: error while loading shared libraries: libtiff.so.3: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
Older (1.4.3) viewgam works without any errors
That's one of the problems with depending on system libraries.
Post by Ivan Tsyba
Any suggestions?
Re-build it from the source. Worst case you can
jam -sBUILTIN_TIFF=true
to statically link libtiff into the executable.
Graeme Gill.