Pascal de Bruijn
2014-05-09 20:40:57 UTC
I'm currently trying to profile my Epson R3000, and I am having some
difficulties getting optimal results.
I've been driving my Epson R3000 using Gutenprint 5.2.10~pre2 (on Ubuntu
14.04), in Uncorrected/Best Quality/Photography mode, with everything else
at defaults, and the papertype set to Epson Archival Matte, as the paper
vendor specifies as being the optimal preset for that printer (presuming
Gutenprint's presets vaguely matche the Epson proprietary drivers presets).
My procedure:
targen -v -d 2 -G -f 840 test
printtarg -v -i CM -h -t 300 -R 42 -p A4 -M 6 test
chartread -v -H epson_r3000_tecco_pm230
colprof -v -D "Epson Stylus Photo R3000 Tecco PM230" -Z m -Z p -q m -n c -a
-S /usr/share/color/argyll/ref/ClayRGB1998.icm -cmt -dpp
Resulting measurement data and profile:
The paper vendor offers a profile which has been made using the Epson
proprietary driver:
When inspecting my resulting profile, the gamut is shockingly small (top my
profile, bottom the paper vendor's profile):
Loading Image...
What's notable is that rXYZ seems spot on, however gXYZ and bXYZ are
severely crippled.
Has anybody ever gotten similar results? So far I'm presuming the issue is
with Gutenprint's internal tuning for this printer, but I'm having a hard
time figuring what might be wrong. So I'd appreciate any pointers...
Pascal de Bruijn
I'm currently trying to profile my Epson R3000, and I am having some
difficulties getting optimal results.
I've been driving my Epson R3000 using Gutenprint 5.2.10~pre2 (on Ubuntu
14.04), in Uncorrected/Best Quality/Photography mode, with everything else
at defaults, and the papertype set to Epson Archival Matte, as the paper
vendor specifies as being the optimal preset for that printer (presuming
Gutenprint's presets vaguely matche the Epson proprietary drivers presets).
My procedure:
targen -v -d 2 -G -f 840 test
printtarg -v -i CM -h -t 300 -R 42 -p A4 -M 6 test
chartread -v -H epson_r3000_tecco_pm230
colprof -v -D "Epson Stylus Photo R3000 Tecco PM230" -Z m -Z p -q m -n c -a
-S /usr/share/color/argyll/ref/ClayRGB1998.icm -cmt -dpp
Resulting measurement data and profile:
The paper vendor offers a profile which has been made using the Epson
proprietary driver:
When inspecting my resulting profile, the gamut is shockingly small (top my
profile, bottom the paper vendor's profile):
Loading Image...
What's notable is that rXYZ seems spot on, however gXYZ and bXYZ are
severely crippled.
Has anybody ever gotten similar results? So far I'm presuming the issue is
with Gutenprint's internal tuning for this printer, but I'm having a hard
time figuring what might be wrong. So I'd appreciate any pointers...
Pascal de Bruijn