Moving display profiles between different OS
Peter Sommer
2014-10-07 01:23:06 UTC
I have a couple of questions regarding the dependencies between display
profiles, the monitor, the graphic card and the OS!

1. I have a system where I boot in different OS and would like to
"share" the display profile between the diffrent OS's - is there any
dependencies between the icc file and the OS (e.g. due to the different
drivers for the graphic card)???

2. I maintain multiple computers running various systems (win7, win8, OS
X, Linux) and would like to calibrate and profile monitors on all of
them. Can I do this from my laptop by connect it to the monitors and
calibrate and profile them and copy the icc to the system??? are there
dependencies between the monitor and the graphic card, resulting in a
different profile???

3. If question 2 results in a no-go I have a other approach. Install a
system on a USB stick and boot the various computers on that doing
calibration and profiling of the monitor and end up by copying the icc
to the computers own system. So the question: Are there dependencies
between the OS and the graphic card/monitor setup???

I hope someone knows the answer to these questions (or some of them),
because google have, so far, not been my frind in the quest for
answers :-)

Best Regards
Graeme Gill
2014-10-13 05:50:38 UTC
Post by Peter Sommer
1. I have a system where I boot in different OS and would like to
"share" the display profile between the diffrent OS's - is there any
dependencies between the icc file and the OS (e.g. due to the different
drivers for the graphic card)???
There shouldn't be.
Post by Peter Sommer
2. I maintain multiple computers running various systems (win7, win8, OS
X, Linux) and would like to calibrate and profile monitors on all of
them. Can I do this from my laptop by connect it to the monitors and
calibrate and profile them and copy the icc to the system??? are there
dependencies between the monitor and the graphic card, resulting in a
different profile???
There shouldn't be. The profile and calibration curves should work
the same for the same hardware combination, as long as something
in the O.S. is not overriding things.

Graeme Gill.
