s s
2014-07-29 17:23:49 UTC
Yes I understand about your web site.

What I am asking about is your Beta updates, like for the K10-A Beta 1.7.

That kind of update, I can't find on your web page.
Yes I saw you posted on AVS when you realest the Beta 1.7 update.
Graeme Gill
2014-07-30 03:30:06 UTC
Post by s s
Yes I understand about your web site.
What I am asking about is your Beta updates, like for the K10-A Beta 1.7.
That kind of update, I can't find on your web page.
Yes I saw you posted on AVS when you realest the Beta 1.7 update.
Alpha code is typically available only as source from
<http://www.argyllcms.com/Argyll_dev_src.zip> - I'm not going
to build a full binary release set for code that is under development,
and those qualified to build it from source will typically be prepared
to cope with Alpha quality issues.
Post by s s
From time to time I may make available selective binaries built
from development code that I've tested more extensively. Typically
I announce them in an appropriate forum, and they remain available
until the next official release.

The code that supports the K10-A for instance, had some problems
with profile generation, and was aimed at Video calibration/profiling,
hence was only display measurement tools for MSWin, didn't
include any profile building or other tools, and was announced on

Graeme Gill.
